Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Media and Privacy Relationships and Online...

Online Surveillance The negative consequences of online surveillance are consistent media headliners cautioning users to be wise with their sensitive information. This research address both positive and negative outlooks of online surveillance. According to Lee Humphreys’ article â€Å"Who’s Watching Whom? A Study of Interactive Technology and Surveillance†, a yearlong experiment explored how people think about privacy and surveillance when using mobile social networks (Humphreys 2011, 575). In examining Google’s Dodgeball, a mobile service like foursquare that allowed users to provide their location-based information with others, they discovered that â€Å"most informants were not concerned about privacy when using the mobile social network†¦show more content†¦The power of surveillance is largely due to people not knowing if or when they are being watched; â€Å"everyday people can search for information about other citizens without their knowledge or permission † (Humphreys 2011, 577). This power of surveillance allows people to be grouped based on their perceived economic and political value (Humphreys 2011, 591). It has been suggested that in using mobile social media we sacrifice personal privacy because people no longer have control over their personal information but we are willing to sacrifice this information because of the personal benefits it brings us (Humphreys 2011, 577). Privacy research has concluded that those who were not overtly concerned about their privacy due to two reasons, 1. Because they felt they had control over their information and who was privy to it and where it was going and two, because the users felt they were â€Å"experienced and savvy Internet users† (Humphreys 2011, 580). Yet, this study reinforces the notion that we live our lives in a â€Å"surveillance society† (Humphreys 2011, 590). â€Å"The amount of information that Dodgeball and its partners have access to is far greater than the amount of information users have access to. Not only did the Dodgeball company have access to a greater breadth of information (i.e., information from allShow MoreRelatedMy Sister And Her Boyfriend1501 Words   |  7 PagesNOAH GO OUT AND THAT MEANS #THENOTEBOOK #IMFANGIRLING okbye† (Sievers). They were horrified. Although they have tried to avoid becoming one of those â€Å"annoying couples† – graciously withholding posts about the intimate details of their blossoming relationship - sometimes friends, colleagues, and acquaintances have posted sappy details for them. For example, one night, we were celebrating birthdays with my dad’s side of the family. I teased them (as I often do) by taking a picture of them both wearingRead MorePrivacy And The Privacy Of Privacy1735 Words   |  7 PagesIn today’s society, the word â€Å"privacy† has be come ubiquitous. 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However, Fried is not arguing that in a world where privacy, in its most simple termsRead MoreNegative Effects Of The Internet1229 Words   |  5 Pagesentertainment is provi ding an escape from reality. Privacy is becoming non-existent as people are casting a mold of their identities online through social media apps. Intelligence agencies are getting the inside scoop on your online activities from corporations that take advantage of the reliance on Internet consumerism. Entertainment has become an integral part of the Internet. Mediums of entertainment such as video games, forums, instant messaging and social media have affected the cognitive functions ofRead MorePrivacy Of The 21st Century No Longer Exists1600 Words   |  7 PagesPrivacy in the 21st Century no longer exists. Bill Gates stated, â€Å"That historically privacy was almost implicit, because it was hard to find and gather information. But in the digital world, whether it s digital cameras or satellites or just what you click on, we need to have more explicit rules - not just for governments but for private companies†. Even though the advancement of Information Technology (IT) is not the problem, the problem is the information that is available is not protected fromRead MoreEssay Government Surveillance For The Greater Good1660 Words   |  7 Pages Government Surveillance For The Greater Good With new advances in technology each day it’s becoming easier to communicate with each other. Talking to friends and family around the world has now become easier. Yet with all these new forms of communication there have been unpleasant side effects, since this new advanced technology is not only for harmless interaction it is also used to plot against governments and countries. 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